SOYU provides industrial shredders and crushers to prepare solid wastes for alternative fuel processing operations.

RDF (Refuse derived fuels) is a mixture of various materials, which requires high stability of the machine and high abrasion-resistance of the blades. The RDF shredders are designed to crush rigid and flexible materials at the same time, such as metal, plastic and wood.

SOYU has the many years of experience developing  shredders and crushers. We can provide a complete RDF treatment solution from pre-treatment, separation to shredding.



Plastic waste

Waste wood

Mixed construction waste
Municipal solid waste (MSW)
Commercial and industrial waste

Waste Shredding


RDF Granulation


RDF Pellets



RDF is a fuel made from MSW, industrial or commercial waste by shredding, screening, wind separating, iron removal, drying, addition of chemicals and compression. RDF fuel has a high calorific value, stable combustion, easy transportation, easy storage, low secondary pollution and low dioxin emissions

◆RDF shredder